
In the realm of gender equality, research is the foundation upon which policies, strategies, and educational curricula are built. Genderscope's research services provide comprehensive, evidence-based insights tailored to the specific needs of think tanks and universities, aiding in their pursuit of understanding and promoting gender equality. Quality research in gender equality is essential for uncovering underlying issues, identifying gaps in knowledge, and developing effective strategies for change. For think tanks and universities, such research not only informs policy and academic discourse but also shapes future societal attitudes towards gender.

Stay at the forefront of gender-related trends and insights with our research services!

Genderscope conducts in-depth research, data collection, and analysis to provide organizations with valuable information. Our research empowers clients to make informed decisions, address gender disparities, and contribute to the advancement of gender equality in various sectors.

Genderscope boasts a team of experienced researchers who specialize in gender studies. With a diverse pool of experts from over 95 countries, our research is globally informed yet finely attuned to local cultural and societal nuances. We utilize a range of methodologies, from quantitative data analysis to qualitative interviews and case studies, ensuring a comprehensive approach to gender equality research.

Some Services Offered:

  • Policy-Oriented Research: We conduct research that informs policy-making, and deliver gender analysis by carrying out
  • SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats),
  • PESTLE analysis (political, economic, social, technology, legal, and environment),
  • Academic Research Support: For universities, we offer research collaboration and support, contributing to academic papers, reports, and studies focused on gender issues.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Our team is skilled in collecting and analyzing data on gender-related topics, providing valuable insights into trends, patterns, and areas of concern and providing
  • gap analysis,
  • needs analysis and
  • situation analysis.
  • Case Study Development: We develop in-depth case studies that illustrate key gender equality issues, serving as valuable resources for teaching and policy development.
  • Survey Design and Implementation: Our expertise includes designing and conducting surveys to gather perceptions, attitudes, and experiences related to gender equality.

Recognizing the diverse needs of think tanks and universities, we tailor our research services to fit specific objectives and thematic focuses. Whether it is a comprehensive study on gender equality in the workplace, an analysis of gender representation in media, or an exploration of gender dynamics in education, our services are customized to deliver relevant and impactful insights.

Choosing Genderscope for your gender equality research needs ensures access to a wealth of expertise, diverse perspectives, and a commitment to delivering high-quality, actionable insights. Our research services not only illuminate the current state of gender equality but also pave the way for informed decisions and strategies that drive real change.

Research is a critical tool in the ongoing quest for gender equality, and at Genderscope, we are dedicated to providing think tanks and universities with the robust research support they need. Our services are more than just data gathering; they are a partnership in uncovering truths, challenging norms, and shaping a more equitable future.